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Leeds community farm sets up crowdfunder

Kirkstall Valley Development Trust is seeking £20,000 to get the project up and running by the…

Co-op research explores the importance of community wellbeing

Two case studies of co-operative retailers conducting research into community wellbeing

Andy Burnham wants more devolution to address local challenges

The mayor of Greater Manchester says 21st century change will need bottom-up solutions to local challenges

Meet … Blase Lambert, CEO at the Confederation of Co-operative Housing

He says co-ops need to be more flexible in their approach to get new housing projects…

Report calls for national strategy for adult education and lifelong learning

' Lifelong learning helps to ready us for what is to come: from automation to climate…

Book review: Why benevolent oligarchs are no substitute for democracy

A critical look at the modern trend for philanthropic capitalism, which says co-operation is a more…

Australia’s top 100 co-ops and mutuals have a joint turnover of $31.9bn

Australia is home to 2,032 co-operatives and mutuals with a combined turnover of AU$104bn

More room for taxi co-ops as Uber loses its London licence?

'The more regulators take action against abusive monopolies, the more opportunities there will be for platform…

More electric co-ops in US are sourcing renewable energy

'Any time we can produce renewable energy at the local level, and our members consume that…

200 Calgary staff to lose jobs at Federated Co-operatives

The procurement co-op lost one of its main client co-ops earlier in the year, which means…

Sweden’s largest solar park to be built by a housing co-op

Sweden has set the target for electricity production to be 100% renewable by 2040

Labour, Lib Dem and Green manifestos: What’s in it for co-ops?

Policies that could affect co-ops and mutuals directly and indirectly have been announced by the Labour,…