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Global cooperative movement meets in Kigali

1,000 representatives from 94 countries have gathered in Rwanda to explore cooperation and development

Cooperatives in Rwanda: Two case studies

Umutima at the Nyarmirambo Women’s Center and TUK coffee cooperative

Cooperatives in Rwanda: an overview

'The work cooperatives have accomplished across the country is proof of what we are capable of…

Cooperation in Africa: The ICA perspective

ICA Africa leaders look at what co-ops mean for the continent.

ICA structures updates

CICOPA elects a new president and the ICA Youth Committee welcomes new members

The Co-op teams up with mental health charities

‘Our Community Wellbeing Index… has identified mental wellbeing as an area that needs our support’

Co-operative College chief executive to move to the WEA

'Simon has made a huge contribution to the Co-operative College, and has helped to open many…

Feminism in the 21st century: What does it mean for women cooperators?

A seminar on cooperatives and feminism explored how different sectors are working to promote gender equality

Keir Starmer vows to stop a no-deal Brexit at Co-op Party conference

'Common ownership has to be at the heart of our economy ... giving working people a…

What does the future hold for co-ops and the world of work?

A new book marking the ILO’s centenary argues co-ops can play a key role in helping…

Australian co-ops rally to support communities hit by drought and wildfire

'Potentially this may be the biggest disaster regional communities have experienced'

Channel Islands Co-op brings in milk vending machine for bottle refills

The move is part of the society’s drive to eliminate single-use own-brand plastic products and packaging