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Electric co-ops respond to Hurricane Dorian

Co-ops in south-eastern states are ready to respond to potential outages

Korean president buys shoes from a local co-op

Moon Jae-in has been a client of Agio, which hand-makes 30 pairs of shoes a day…

Cannabis and co-ops, from farming to banking

The liberalisation of cannabis laws in Canada and the US has brought opportunities for co-ops –…

Project Storm Break funding goes to credit unions hit by Hurricane Dorian

The money will be used to help credit unions in the Bahamas so they can quickly…

Cincinnati co-op grocer scheme awarded $80,000 from government

The city has 10 fewer grocery stores than the national average

Plane Saver Credit Union reaches 15,000 membership milestone

The credit union works to address concerns about rising levels of debt among armed forces personnel

What can co-ops learn from the golden age of piracy?

Writer Sam Conniff Allende tells us what modern-day challenger businesses can learn from the swashbucklers who…

The long slow road to Irish co-op reform

The sector has been crying out for legislative change – but what form will this take,…

Astronaut Chris Hadfield to launch Desjardins’ Cooperathon 2019

‘I’m very proud of the programme we’ve put together. It relates directly to our values of…

Jamaican credit union awards grants to 29 students

‘Manchester Co-operative Credit Union believes in our people and the value of education and that is…

Coop Sweden begins same-day home delivery service

'This is the next step in our bid to offer the best and smoothest solution for…

Arla Foods reports positive half-yearly results but warns about hard Brexit impact

Arla argues that external factors that could negatively impact its full year expectations