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Co-op Academies Trust becomes the most diverse multi academy trust in the country

The Co-op plans to treble the number of academies it sponsors to 40 in the next…

Broadband for Rural North to quadruple its network after crowdfunding £2m

The bencom plans to use the funding to expand its gigabit-capable network

The Co-op Group shares its top tips on data ethics

Data is now a core element to a business's performance - so how can co-ops make…

Southern Co-op funeralcare branches donate prosthetics to charity Legs4Africa

All donations are made with the explicit consent of each family

Vandana Shiva to headline ICA Global Conference in Kigali

The physicist and activist is renowned for her campaigns on biodiversity, indigenous knowledge and other ecological…

Southern Co-op supports autism charity with £1,000 donation

‘It’s wonderful to assist the trust to reduce waiting times and help families get valuable support’

Central England Co-operative is ditching single use plastic carrier bags

Customers will be offered a 10p biodegradable bag for life or compostable bags.

Co-operative solutions for a planet in crisis

For World Environment Day (5 June), Co-op News looks at efforts made in sectors ranging from…

Can tech be matched with co-op values to save the planet?

New ways of communicating mean co-operators don't need to increase their carbon footprint by traveling whenever…

Meet … Pete Westall, chief values officer, Midcounties Co-op

'We’ve got customers and members who are more empowered, and a younger generation seeking ethical leadership'

Doubt cast on regulation of Nepalese co-op growth programme

'Due to poor monitoring, many co-operatives landed in trouble in the past'

Energy co-ops in US move to renewables

The sector is still reliant on fossil fuels but as the price of wind and solar…