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Fund created by Co-op Foundation donates £11.5m to tackle loneliness

'Co-op Foundation is supporting groups of young people most affected by loneliness to strengthen their connections…

Australian university runs graduate certificate in co-op management

The Graduate Certificate comprises four online courses

Heart of England reports Christmas sales increase of 5.95%

The society said its store improvement programme was a major factor in its success

Chris Tomlinson appointed CEO at Co-op Academies Trust

Sponsored by the Co-op Group, the Trust is looking to increase the number of schools to…

Good causes celebrate as Central England Co-op shares out £40,000

'We are delighted that these good causes have been handed a grant for the fantastic work…

East of England Co-op launches recycling awareness campaign

The retailer is working with Ipswich Council to educate people about what can and can't be…

Retail and plastic: Eroski co-op goes back to basics with the paper bag

The retailer, part of Mondragon, is also planning compostable and recyclable alternatives

European agri food co-ops say no deal Brexit must be avoided

Copa-Cogeca believes it is crucial to avoid the imposition of new tariff barriers

Plunkett Foundation celebrates its centenary with social media film project

The organisation will also be launching new initiatives under its current five-year strategy

Scottish agri-food sector warns about ‘catastrophic impact’ of no deal Brexit

'The cost to our industry would be at least £2bn in lost sales annually ... on…

Reassurance and support for Midcounties’ EU colleagues amid Brexit uncertainty

The society has offered to pay EU settlement scheme application fees for its colleagues

USA co-op grocers support carbon-offsetting programme in Peru

As part of the scheme, 377 timber trees were bought for a farmer-led agroforestry project