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Green Elephant Co-op at Halton Mill boosts trading through match trading grants

Match trading is a new type of grant funding that pound-for-pound matches an increase in income…

Co-op Funeralcare unveils customised poppy hearse

The poppy hearse will be available nationwide immediately for funerals organised by Co-op Funeralcare and can…

Central England Co-op combats crime with new safety measures

'We are doing everything in our power to combat crime in our communities and keep people…

Credit unions respond to US mid-term election results

CUNA said a credit union-friendly majority has been elected to Congress

Credit Unions of Wales launches campaign against high cost credit providers

'We must refuse to allow ourselves, our families and our communities to fall prey to high…

Midcounties Co-op using Blockchain to increase supply chain transparency

We speak to the society’s new chief executive Phil Ponsonby about his work with local suppliers…

Co-op Group’s new depot to create 1,200 jobs and grow business in the south

'This is an exciting development, we believe a strong Co-op can create stronger communities'

US community credit union group unveils its new Inclusiv brand at national conference

A delegation from UK sector body Abcul attended to share ideas and innovations

Platform co-op movement gathers in Hong Kong for its global conference

For Asia, platform co-ops, a global commons, and co-operative hardware offer vital alternatives, writes Trebor Scholz

Applications open for funding through the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme

Local authorities and other organisations, including co-ops or community benefit societies, can play a role in…

Scotmid Co-op’s ‘luckiest store in Scotland’ scoops Community Heroes award

'So many incredibly positive things have happened here over the past six months'

Sixty new homes for members of Argentinian worker co-op

'It has been a long road and the recipients of these 60 homes have fought hard…