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Tameside co-operative pioneers a new approach to sharing digital infrastructure

The co-op is bringing together local authorities, the NHS and local businesses to share digital infrastructure…

Credit unions to benefit from Basel’s revised stress testing principles

The decision represents a big win for the World Council of Credit Unions

Co-ops among the winners at the Community Energy Awards

Successes on the night include the Schools' Energy Cooperative, Mean Moor Wind Farm and Energy4All

First community-run sports academy to open in 2023 in Northern Ireland

The Co-op Group’s charity, the Co-op Foundation, invested £50,000 into the community share offer

Co-op College project shortlisted for the RBS Skills and Opportunities Fund

The project aims to enable 25 young people between 16 and 24 in the community of…

ICA launches international co-op think tank

The group of co-ops will serve as a strategic hub for the co-op movement

Lincolnshire Co-op puts its weight behind poppy appeal

'The extra funds will help provide support for service people across Lincolnshire, both serving and retired'

USAID awards US$60m for co-operative development

The five-year programme enables US co-operatives and their members to collaborate on various projects with co-operatives…

How a human chain made world news of a small co-op bookstore

When Southampton's October Books invited volunteers to help the move to its new home, it hit…

Group brings in JDA Software to revamp its supply chain process

The retailer wants a more precise picture of local customer behaviour so it can tailor its…

Philippine co-ops meet at summit aimed at ‘Succeeding Together’

Speakers called for greater unity, and for collaboration with local and national governments

Community finance co-op seeks investors to support local enterprise

The pioneering share offer promises both a social and financial return