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Cooperatives have twice the lifespan of traditional businesses

Because cooperatives use their assets to capitalize their organization, their lifespan is twice that of traditional…

Global 300 co-operatives generate $1.6 trillion revenue

Three-hundred of the world's top co-operatives have generated over $1.6 trillion, according to the Global 300…

Non-member contracts expose cooperatives

New Zealand cooperatives are creating a dangerous precedent when they offer contracts that allow non-members to…

What’s a social co-operative, can it help create a Big Society?

Back in May 2010 Bob Cannell and I were attending a European Conference for worker co-operatives,…

UK Co-op Law in 2010: A Summary

In the UK, a body wishing to function as a co-operative is free to use any…

Community Food Enterprise

It is wonderful what a diverse range of enterprises are playing a role in shaping the…