A small German co-operative bank, Raiffeisenbank Gmund, has introduced a negative interest rate on deposits. Well,…
Latest news
Publishing company switches to co-op model in bid for growth
An independent US publisher is converting from a privately owned business to a writer-owned co-operative. Word Branch Publishing, in…
How does the size of a co-op affect its community interaction?
A group of co-op store managers share their thoughts on how they work with with communities.…
Finding your voice: how the Co-op Group is giving members say
“The concept of members having a say in their society is older than the Rochdale Pioneers,” says Mark…
Editorial: How much is a stake in your co-op worth?
Members are the most important part of a co-operative. Without them, we are nothing. One of the…
Can John Lewis teach us a better way to do business?
Right now, the John Lewis Partnership seems to be everyone’s favourite business. Its department stores offer quality and…
Environmental co-op named Social Enterprise of the Year
Renewable energy co-operative Dulas has won the highest honours at the Social Business Wales Awards. The…
30 groups selected for Co-ops UK’s Community Economic Development programme
Youth activities, community food initiatives and heritage schemes are among those selected for inclusion in the second…
NIMBYism, co-operatives and Germany’s Energy Transition
The number of energy co-operatives in Germany has grown from eight to over 800 in a…
Social innovation and the social and solidarity economy
Simel Esim and Waltteri Katajamaki from the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Cooperatives Unit look at the importance…
Co-op housing honoured in UNESCO award for Le Corbusier buildings
As Unesco adds 17 buildings by Le Corbusier to its list of World Heritage sites, David…