Mugshot challenge launched to mark International Credit Union Day

The Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions has launched a call to action

With International Credit Union Day celebrations set for 18 October, the Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions has launched a call to action.

The foundation is the international development and charitable arm of the World Council of Credit Unions. It works to expand financial inclusion worldwide through the global credit union community.

The International Credit Union Day challenge encourages credit unions to take key actions to raises awareness of the sector. One of these is helping the foundation to raise US$70,000 across the movement to support international development through digital financial inclusion, agricultural lending, leadership development and other programmes.

Through its Mugshot Challenge, the foundation is calling on members and employees to donate the price of a cup of coffee or tea to the scheme and share a selfie with their homemade beverage on social media.

The foundation also asks credit unions to go into their communities, bringing together members, employees and their families to contribute over 7,000 hours of volunteerism to charities whose mission are to address the financial development issues that are affecting their members’ lives.

As part of the challenge, credit unions are also urged to share their financial support, volunteer work, and celebrations on social media platforms. The foundation has set the goal of 700 posts, tweets and shares with the hashtag #ICUDAY and #PLATINUMLININGFOUND, mentioning World Council @WOCCU.

“We can do so much more, together as a global movement and ICU Day is the time of year where we celebrate our collaborative successes throughout the year, while looking to the challenges that lie ahead,” said Worldwide Foundation executive director, Michael Reuter. “The 2018 ICU Day Challenge is the perfect opportunity to continue to broaden awareness, pool resources, and push each other one step further to improve each development issue at home and abroad.”

The ICU Day Challenge will start in October and will continue until the end of 2018. Updates on goals and stories will be posted at