Scottish co-op bakes up a plan to boost the country’s health

A new venture that aims to use high quality bread to improve diet, health and the local economy in Scotland is stepping up production with help from the Co-operative Loan Fund.

Scotland The Bread, based in the Scottish Borders, was set up to establish a Scottish flour and bread supply that is healthy, equitable, locally controlled and sustainable.

Veronica Burke, one of the founding directors, said: “Our idea is simple – grow nutritious wheat and bake it properly close to home.”

The business, a collaboration between eight community-based groups, including the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, sells specialist grain and flour and runs bakery courses for community groups. This year, it wants to expand and start its own quality assurance system for grain, flour and bread.

Scotland the Bread began in 2012, bringing together plant breeders, farmers, millers, bakers, nutritionists and citizens. Working with scientists, they began to research heritage Scottish and Nordic wheats to find nutrient-rich varieties that do well in local conditions.

At the same time, they started building capacity in community-scale, artisan bread making. The co-operators set up a community benefit society in April 2016 to bring the project into community ownership and to raise investment.

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Ms Burke said: “Working together, we’ll change the entire system for the better: fair deals for local farmers growing nourishing food, fewer damaging food miles, more nutrition in every slice of bread and more jobs per loaf.”

The venture wants to train 100 community bakers a year who by 2021 will be baking over 500,000 loaves a year made – and it is aiming at a wider market than those who already eat healthily.

“It is essential that our grain, flour and bread gets into the public procurement supply chain,” added Ms Burke. “That’s what will make the big difference to public health – high quality nutritious bread available in prisons, care homes, hospitals, schools – places where citizens with the most need have the least choice.”

Veronica’s husband, Andrew Whitley, is also a founding director. One of the best known bakers in Britain, in 1976 he set up The Village Bakery in Melmerby, Cumbria, which from small beginnings became a market leader in organic artisan bread making. His 2006 book Bread Matters is widely regarded as the bread makers’ bible.

So far 160 people have bought shares totalling more than £37,000 in Scotland the Bread. It is one of six ventures to be selected for the Just Growth funding programme to support community-based food and farming projects.

Eligible ventures that raise finance from community investment can have it matched with a grant (funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation) and a loan (arranged by Co‑operative & Community Finance).

The loan was released in December and is being used to finance initial staff costs, the setting up of an office and the purchase of equipment of an appropriate scale for community growing and baking.

Tim Coomer, business development manager at Co-operative & Community Finance, which manages the Co-operative Loan Fund, said: “This is an innovative and highly ambitious venture – a society that is aiming to benefit the community in a very fundamental way, through nutrition.”

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