Federsolidarietà – Confcooperative, Italy’s largest federation of social co-operatives, has announced the dates for its fifth annual Social Co-operatives International School (SCIS).
The three day event will be held on 24-27 October 2019 at the Hotel Royal Continental in Naples, Italy. It is open to social co-operators and social entrepreneurs from all over the world, and is aimed at co-operative managers.
Participants will have the opportunity to network, share ideas and success stories, and discuss innovations in the social and co-operative enterprise sectors.
Last year’s event gathered 50 participants from 13 countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Malta, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, India, Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, Belgium, Korea, Hungary, Spain) with a focus on social impact evaluation and measurement, technological innovation, urban regeneration and local communities.
Conducted entirely in English, SCIS offers a unique place of dialogue and mutual learning that, over the years, has garnered the attention of European and international institutions on the issue of social co-operatives.
The deadline for registration is 15 September. Early bird registration before 30 August, including VAT, is €300 for a double room and €480 for a single room. VAT inclusive full-registration fees are €350 for a double room and €550 for a single.
Early bird rates are extended to 15 September for former SCIS participants, and registration fees cover accommodation and participation costs: materials, coffee breaks, lunches and visits to local best practice enterprises.
Details of themes and speakers are yet to be confirmed. Email pellirossi.v@confcooperative.it for more information and to register.