Business models

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Should co-ops call themselves social enterprises?

It is often assumed that co-operatives are social enterprises – but this is still subject of…

Social innovation and the social and solidarity economy

Simel Esim and Waltteri Katajamaki from the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Cooperatives Unit look at the importance…

When big co-ops fail

The international co-operative movement has seen a series of catastrophic failures of large scale co-operatives in…

Investing in the co-operative movement

If you are looking to support the wider co-operative movement, you could join the ranks of…

Member economic participation: turning co-operative supporters into co-operative investors

The path to member economic participation, one of the core co-operative principles, never did run smooth.…

Time to extend the seven co-operative principles?

The seven co-operative principles were last updated and formally adopted by the International Co-operative Alliance in…

How co-operatives are performing in the world of digital

An international review of how the co-op sector performs in the digital world, published by Co-operative…

The goal of sport co-operatives

Team games have always been about co-operation – working together for a common goal (in many…

How much do co-operatives pay their directors?

While it is hard to make broad comparisons on how businesses choose to remunerate their directors,…

Co-operative towns around the world

Devoto: the Argentinian village that ‘breathes’ co-operation Over one third of the population in the town…

Is there an ideal size for a co-op business?

The co-operative brand and model of doing business has taken a bashing in the public and…

Co-operatives make for a happy place to work

Co-operatives are businesses run by the people, for the people; so it makes sense that all…