Co-op Group

All Co-op Group news articles

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Investing in the co-operative movement

If you are looking to support the wider co-operative movement, you could join the ranks of…

Member economic participation: turning co-operative supporters into co-operative investors

The path to member economic participation, one of the core co-operative principles, never did run smooth.…

A co-operative option for running bus services?

The Co-operative Party has launched a campaign to promote a mutual bus solution for the future.…

The Marcora Law: an effective tool of active employment policy

Camillo De Berardinis, managing director of CFI, (Cooperazione Finanza Impresa – Cooperation Finance Enterprise), looks at how the Marcora…

Overcoming the barriers of co-operative identity

Shouting about co-op credentials is an effective way for a co-op to highlight how it differs…

Let’s talk: inspiring young people to play an active role in communities

Too often, young people aren’t shaping the decisions which affect their lives, but they still inherit…

Is the John Lewis model perfect for the Co-operative Group?

Over the past year, the Co-operative Group’s issues have been well-documented. But would these problems be…

How much do co-operatives pay their directors?

While it is hard to make broad comparisons on how businesses choose to remunerate their directors,…

Is there an ideal size for a co-op business?

The co-operative brand and model of doing business has taken a bashing in the public and…

Co-operatives make for a happy place to work

Co-operatives are businesses run by the people, for the people; so it makes sense that all…

Where are all the women? Looking back on the Rochdale Pioneers

On the 168th anniversary of the opening of the first Rochdale Pioneers’ shop, Co-operative News talked…

South Sudan turns to co-operatives to help grow economy

South Sudan is troubled. Despite it gaining independence from Sudan last July, the two nations are…