Co-operatives UK

All Co-operatives UK news articles

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Hitler’s hit list: co-operatives and co-operators during wartime

Adolf Hitler’s hatred and intolerance of sections of society is well documented, but less known is the…

Co-ops and charities: Are they mutually exclusive?

What is the difference between charities and co-operatives? Since the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act…

Overcoming the barriers of co-operative identity

Shouting about co-op credentials is an effective way for a co-op to highlight how it differs…

Nine ways to work with co-operatives in other countries

Here in New Zealand, some of our co-operatives serve their member owners well through trading internationally,…

Governance and Management structures in worker co-operatives

The other day a consumer co-operative Board member asked if I could send them some info…

What’s a social co-operative, can it help create a Big Society?

Back in May 2010 Bob Cannell and I were attending a European Conference for worker co-operatives,…

UK Co-op Law in 2010: A Summary

In the UK, a body wishing to function as a co-operative is free to use any…