Co-operatives UK

All Co-operatives UK news articles

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Co-op Bank invests £400k with Co-operatives UK to nurture ethical business

'By acting collectively, we can create fairer and more ethical ways to trade, consume and live'

Preparations under way for Co-operatives Fortnight

'This year, we'll show how co‑operatives offer an altogether different way to do business; to support…

Retail Conference 2023: Co-op Group CEO asserts movement’s values in the face of crisis

Shirine Khoury-Haq shared her thoughts on the route to successful co-operative enterprise

Sceptical response from co-op movement to Jeremy Hunt’s spring budget

A welcome for the £100m support fund for community business came alongside a call for more…

Supporting co-operation: Claire Dalton on her new role as secretary of Co-operatives UK

'We are led by our values and ethics and I want to do everything I can…

£2.2m fund launched to support community businesses across the UK

Co-operatives UK will deliver the investment, aimed at spreading the community shares model into neglected areas

Annual Q&A: Rose Marley, chief executive of Co-operatives UK

'Our values and principles are not simply a badge to be worn. They must be at…

Young people and the future of cooperation in Europe

Alice Toomer-McAlpine speaks with two delegates at the Cooperatives Europe youth event held in Cardiff late…

Practical co-operation: Lessons from this year’s Practitioners Forum

Sessions including marketing and social media, boardroom diversity and the cost of living crisis

Boost for worker co-ops in the capital with new partnership backed by London mayor

Sadiq Khan's team will work with Co-operatives UK and the EOA to launch the London Ownership…

Rose Marley and Sarah Alldred share lessons from WCM 2022 in Brazil

'I learned a lot about the principles of the circular economy and how crucial this thinking…

Co-op councils mark their tenth anniversary with a look at community wealth strategies

Delegates from the Co-operative Councils Innovation Network discusses ways to drive growth and build their local…