'This goal will help offset higher inflation expectations and we intend to achieve it through a…
Dairy co-operatives
All Dairy co-operatives news articles
Show filtersClimate pressures and price disputes sour the mood for Irish dairy co-ops
Tensions persist between Kerry Co-op farmers and food business Kerry Group, while the industry is opposing…
Lakeland Dairies launches campaign to address membership gender imbalance
'Having as many voices as possible from diverse backgrounds within our co-operative helps continually to foster…
UK dairy co-op Omsco rebrands as Organic Herd
The move, which emphasises the co-op's sustainable credentials, is accompanied by the launch of a new…
First Milk improves total returns to its farmer members
The dairy co-op has increased its turnover and profit despite a volatile market bringing 'challenging circumstances'
Arla dairy co-op looks to ditch the plastic in its carton tops
The switch would reduce Arla's plastic consumption by more than 500 tonnes a year
South Caernarfon Creameries co-op wins top Welsh food award
'It is all down to locally sourced, quality ingredients, our committed team and not being afraid…
First Milk dairy co-op acquires B Corp status through its sustainability efforts
The UK co-op has been working on net zero targets and the development of regenerative agriculture…
Arla Foods pledges to continue support for Nigerian dairy sector
The dairy co-op has signed an MOU with the Nigerian government, with pledges including the promotion…
Welsh dairy co-op wins business award after notching up record sales
Farmer-owned South Caernarfon Creameries was named top large business in North Wales after a 20% profits…
Irish agri co-op Lakeland Dairies publishes gender pay gap report
The co-op has a mean hourly pay gap of 14.1% and a median hourly gap of…
Fonterra co-op will introduce its new capital structure in the spring
Farmer members approved the proposal to move to flexible shareholding in December 2021