
All Mutualism news articles

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Two European countries that have a strong cooperative presence: France and Italy

In this third article in a series about the global cooperative movement, we take a look…

Governance and Management structures in worker co-operatives

The other day a consumer co-operative Board member asked if I could send them some info…

How co-operatives work for women in Africa

In Africa, as elsewhere, inequalities persist between women and men in terms of access to and…

Leading economist Noreena Hertz predicts era of co-operative capitalism

Economist, Professor Noreena Hertz, who for more than two decades has made accurate predictions about economic…

What we could learn from French co-ops

Shame to see plans for SeaFrance to become a worker co-op have run aground.  This is…

Cooperatives have twice the lifespan of traditional businesses

Because cooperatives use their assets to capitalize their organization, their lifespan is twice that of traditional…

Non-member contracts expose cooperatives

New Zealand cooperatives are creating a dangerous precedent when they offer contracts that allow non-members to…

What’s a social co-operative, can it help create a Big Society?

Back in May 2010 Bob Cannell and I were attending a European Conference for worker co-operatives,…