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Co-ops react to European Parliament position on EU-wide packaging rules

Copa and Cogeca welcomed changes to the position but warned some measures could still cause problems…

CCIN conference firms up co-op agenda in face of local government cash crisis

Discussion included public service mutuals, community banks and ideas for the organisation's election manifesto

Hunt statement fails to support co-op sector or empower communities, say critics

'Instead of shifting power and resources to local people, successive governments have continued to rely on…

New Internationalist magazine marks 50 years with appeal for free school subs

The publication, launched in 1973, is now backed by over 4,000 reader members

Nineteen European states sign San Sebastian declaration

The European Social Economy Conference, held in Spain, saw representatives from across the continent affirm the…

Co-ops help Brazilian waste pickers build climate resilience, study shows

Co-op workers were able to take preventive action against impact of extreme weather, a report from…

Hackney Council steps up support for co-ops and social enterprises

A research project will look at current issues around support available in the London borough –…

UK social enterprises ‘reinvest £1bn profit into social and environmental missions’

'Business can and must work in a way that actively benefits people and planet, sharing profit…

Obituary: Vivian Silver, Canadian Israeli who campaigned for peace and women’s rights

She was killed in the attack carried out by Hamas on 7 October

NZ dairy co-op Fonterra announces target for on-farm climate emissions

'The co-op’s approach will be to work alongside farmers, not against them, as we collectively make…

Save Birmingham campaign for community spaces salutes cross-party support

'Working with communities and partners, we can help them to protect community places through co-operative solutions…

Co-op movement responds to Sunak’s plans set out in King’s Speech

The Co-op Party, a group of energy co-ops and community business support body Power to Change…