Community & Development

All Community & Development news articles

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Lights! Camera! Cooperation!

Coop Cinema shares’s inspiring stories of cooperation

Coops are ‘a powerful vehicle to energise development’

The first plenary session at the ICA International Conference looked at how coops can contribute to…

How cooperatives can combat a casino economy

‘Cooperatives are the future’ says Dr Vandana Shiva – but first we need to make sure…

Multi-stakeholder partnerships and the Sustainable Development Goals

Recaps of four parallel sessions at the ICA International Conference

Preserving the environment in Africa and beyond

Women and young people have a critical role to play

Co-op Party pledges to fight for a fairer economy at general election

Delegates looked at policies the Party could adopt which would take a co-op approach to issues…

‘Co-ops should take community wealth building into the private sphere’

'The fundamental feature of all economies is wealth. Who has it, where does it go, how…

Global cooperative movement meets in Kigali

1,000 representatives from 94 countries have gathered in Rwanda to explore cooperation and development

Cooperatives in Rwanda: Two case studies

Umutima at the Nyarmirambo Women’s Center and TUK coffee cooperative

Cooperatives in Rwanda: an overview

'The work cooperatives have accomplished across the country is proof of what we are capable of…

Cooperation in Africa: The ICA perspective

ICA Africa leaders look at what co-ops mean for the continent.

ICA structures updates

CICOPA elects a new president and the ICA Youth Committee welcomes new members