Community & Development

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Call goes out for nominations for Social Business Wales Awards

'The awards are a fantastic opportunity to not only celebrate the work of social businesses in…

Report highlights how to achieve an inclusive economy in Wales

'This is about changing the way we connect with people and do business with one another.…

Leaders needed for new network for UK’s community pub sector

'We’ve already helped 21 community owned pubs open through the More than a Pub programme with…

Evergreen Cooperative Laundry to manage second plant

The co-op, which is part of the Cleveland model for local collaborative economies, will triple its…

Housing co-ops discuss government Green Paper on social housing

'There isn’t single challenge facing this country to which there isn’t a co-op solution', CCH conference…

Rochdale Council to use co-operative heritage to regenerate the town

The five-year Co-operative Connections Heritage Action Zone plan will create homes and an enterprise hub

How Central England Co-operative maps the social return of its community investments

For every £1 CEC invests in community projects, the monetary value of the impact made is…

Hullcoin – can blockchain unlock the hidden value in Hull’s economy?

A group of hacktivists have developed a local cryptocurrency to help revive the city’s fortunes

Co-op Group to increase Fairtrade wine offer

The retailer is working with South African suppliers to increase its volume of Fairtrade wine by…

Switzerland’s Coop and Migros join underground logistics project

A 500km tunnel will be build to help the country deal with its growth in freight…

Record charity fundraising by Chelmsford Star

The society has raised nearly £80,000 for Essex's Little Havens Hospice

Midcounties pledges to reduce carbon emissions through sustainability programme

Plans include cutting emissions across the society’s Oxfordshire stores and running green projects in schools