Community & Development

All Community & Development news articles

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Oxfam report on global inequality crisis points to co-operative solutions

The charity highlights the example of Mondragon for promoting job security and equitable pay

2018 Co-operative Education Conference to look at co-op skills

What skills do co-ops and co-operators need in the 21st century?

Fairtrade Fortnight closes the door on exploitation…

...and challenges people to open up to Fairtrade products

Meet… Bruno Roelants, incoming director general of the International Co-operative Alliance

Mr Roelants talks about his 30 years working for the movement and his priorities for the…

How co-ops can help spread the benefits of automation

'Ownership is the ground where the tug-of-war for the next social contracts is being played. Who…

How Moeda made a co-op cryptocurrency to help new businesses take root

'We aim to provide a community-focused mobile lending system that will give investors real time transparency…

Future of work: Cincinnati experiments with co-op/union hybrid

A city hit by high unemployment is looking to examples abroad and from US history to…

Co-ops in Nigeria will benefit from job and wealth creation scheme

The programme aims to improve the livelihoods of women and young people working in rural and…

Opportunities for social business as survey finds growing interest in positive investment

'Consumers are increasingly looking to buy and use products that align with their personal values and…

Government announces £1.7m support for public service mutuals

'This funding will deliver training, support programmes and mentoring to expand the high quality services mutuals…

India’s co-ops discuss the ‘sweet revolution’ as they celebrate anniversary

The movement was marking the foundation day of Sahakar Bharati, an organisation set up to boost…

Central England Co-op buys community defibrillators from carrier bag levy

The society has installed the equipment at its food stores and funeral homes across 16 counties