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Europe, renewables and the future of community energy

In its recently released Clean Energy Package, the European Commission finally acknowledged that energy communities –…

Travel co-ops and the rise of sustainable tourism

Every year, over one billion international tourists pack their bags to go on holiday, creating millions…

The Co-operators funded project provides work experience for marginalised Canadians

In St John’s, a city on Newfoundland, Canada, a community café is offering work experience to marginalised people.…

Book review: How Germany’s energy revolution solves more than just climate change

The first chapter of Energy Democracy is titled ‘Energiewende: The Solution to More Problems than Climate…

Book review: Ours To Hack and Own maps out the platform co-op model

Ours to Hack and to Own, edited by Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider (OR Books, 2016)…

Mutuals and member-owned companies make list of most ethical companies

Several mutuals and customer-owned businesses have been placed on a list of the world’s most ethical…

How members found their way onto Co-op beer bottle labels

The Co-op Group has been working to engage its members’ voice – and now that voice has been…

Successful credit union growth: lessons to learn from the USA experience

How can credit unions be successful? Make money, stay solvent and grow, says Bill Hampel,  chief policy…

Two credit union approaches to online lending innovation

Online lending – a market worth £23bn in 2016 – is a key challenge for credit unions…

Credit unions: serving young people and the technology challenge

Meeting the needs of the modern consumer while addressing ageing memberships remain two key challenges for…

Howard Brodsky tells co-ops to go beyond great service by providing the unexpected

To win in today’s competitive world, co-ops must provide the unexpected to their customers, says Howard Brodsky, co-founder…

New Zealand minister highlights role of co-ops in country’s economy

Co-operative business leaders from across New Zealand met in Auckland for a national forum on 3…