
All Environment news articles

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USA co-op grocers support carbon-offsetting programme in Peru

As part of the scheme, 377 timber trees were bought for a farmer-led agroforestry project

Climate change is hitting food production, say Rwanda’s farm co-ops

Measures such as improved irrigation and erosion control are urgently needed, say experts

Zero waste co-op to benefit from Welsh government funding

Crest Co-operative will receive £1,020,000 to expand its reuse infrastructure in Conwy and Denbighshire

Midcounties Co-op gets behind plastic pollution protection pledge

'Protecting the environment is a priority for us'

Grants of up to £100,000 are available for community energy businesses

The programme was designed to help the sector innovate and deliver more holistic and integrated local…

Co-ops must act to save the planet, Lord Adebowale tells Practitioners Forum

'We have to grow faster than business as usual in order to influence the economy and…

Co-operatives UK launches Co-operatives Fortnight campaign at Practitioners Forum

The fortnight will focus on creating a Co-operation Nation

US electric co-ops use low-interest loans to power efficiency savings

Improvements such as insulation are saving members so much, it more than offsets the debt repayment

Green Party to include co-ops and community energy in new policy agenda

It pledges 'business as a force for good, for creativity, with a positive role to play…

Scotmid to reward customers for recycling

The scheme will initially run for a three-month period in Scotmid’s South Queensferry store

Co-op sector responds to IPCC report on climate change

'People up and down the country are eager to be part of the clean energy transformation'

Central England Co-op wins award for reducing environmental impact

The society took home the Best in Water Management award from the Carbon Trust Summit in…