
All Equality news articles

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How Italian co-ops are fighting the mafia through sustainable agriculture

Across Italy social and agricultural co-ops are bringing back prosperity and dignity to territories with a…

Co-op Group signs Anti-Slavery International Charter

'By standing together and co-operating we can make it clear that we will not allow this…

Co-op Funeralcare to launch no-frills cremation service

The alternative suits families who want to have a separate memorial service or more personal farewell

How do co-op retailers rate on the gender pay gap?

Retail societies have reported their figures in line with new government regulations

MPs criticise government’s strategy for tackling modern slavery

'Victims of modern slavery can face unimaginable horrors but the government’s good intentions have yet to…

International Workers’ Day: Co-op solutions to the crisis in the world of work

'Co-operatives offer another paradigm, where inclusion, participation and growth go hand in hand'

Obituary: Jacqui Forster, pioneer of supporter ownership

'Jacqui's fortitude and determination not to give in was an inspiration to all who knew her'

Co-op Group AGM to address responsible advertising

A member motion will ask the board to review and report on the impact of the…

Central England Co-op Easter foodbank appeal success

Customers and members helped the society collect over 25,000 items in two weeks

Labour and Co-op councils sign pledge to drive slavery out of their supply chains

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is among those attending the launch which continues the co-op movement's campaign…

Report highlights trade unions and co-ops partnering to protect precarious workers

The umbrella co-operative model, similar to SMart and IndyCube, could help those struggling in the gig…

Credit union movement must spread its message, Abcul conference told

'We know that too many people are going to lenders who don't have their interests at…