Credit Unions

All Credit Unions news articles

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World Council of Credit Unions announces keynote speakers for annual conference

Rapid technological change is on the agenda, with presentations on big data, online crime and young…

ABCUL creates mobile app for its credit union training suite

Users will now be able to access the service – which includes compliance content and a…

Mutuals and member-owned companies make list of most ethical companies

Several mutuals and customer-owned businesses have been placed on a list of the world’s most ethical…

Successful credit union growth: lessons to learn from the USA experience

How can credit unions be successful? Make money, stay solvent and grow, says Bill Hampel,  chief policy…

Two credit union approaches to online lending innovation

Online lending – a market worth £23bn in 2016 – is a key challenge for credit unions…

Credit unions: serving young people and the technology challenge

Meeting the needs of the modern consumer while addressing ageing memberships remain two key challenges for…

USA credit union members to bank through voice interaction technologies

Credit unions across the USA will provide members the opportunity to conduct routine online or mobile…

Credit unions have lent over £2m to armed forces personnel

Since offering their services to armed forces personnel, UK credit unions have lent more than £2m…

Six tips for credit unions to promote women leaders

Credit unions need to address the gender gap when it comes to leadership positions, according to…

Credit unions call on Trump administration to cut regulatory burden

US president Donald Trump has passed an executive order to review financial regulation, a measure which…

Scottish minister pledges support for credit unions

Scotland’s cabinet secretary for communities, social security and equalities, Angela Constance, has reiterated the her government’s support…

Credit unions face rising costs as big banks lose profits

Britain’s biggest banks are passing on the costs of falling profits and low interest rates to…