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Ted Howard, architect of the Cleveland Model, on the journey to a new economy

The social justice advocate tells how the lessons he learned from Mondragon to work in a…

Book review: How do we give economic power to the people?

'There’s a role for everyone in nourishing this potential next system'

Andy Burnham: Manchester mayor on devolution, climate change and co-ops

In an interview with Co-op News, Mr Burnham says the co-op sector could feed into the…

Claire McCarthy looks back on her time at the helm of the Co-op Party

'I’ve been inspired by some of the exciting innovations taking place at local government level ...…

Co-op culture in Europe: Cecop’s work to bring nations together

Agreeing a common message was a challenge for Cecop’s members as well as other co-operative sectoral…

How does having a co-op culture impact leadership in a business?

Suma Wholefoods and Lincolnshire Co-operative share tips for a successful leadership strategy

Rwandan trade minister expresses support for co-ops

'Co-operatives contribute greatly in economic empowerment of the country – they help create jobs for the…

Cooperatives Europe responds to Ursula von der Leyen’s election

The trade body says it looks forward to working with the new European Commission president

Co-op Party welcomes Labour’s commonhold proposals

A policy report suggests measures to strengthen leaseholders’ rights, introducing proposals for a new commonhold tenure

New governance code for co-ops in Sweden

'We're now increasing transparency even further and making it clearer how co-operative and mutual enterprises actually…

Co-ops help to address unemployment, CECOP tells European Commission

Cecop reacted to an evaluation published by the European Commission in April this year.

Co-op Group announces results of members’ council elections

Nick Crofts will continue as president of the council