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Scottish Labour Conference highlights co-op solutions for the nation’s industry

'We believe in an economy as well as a political system which is of the people,…

Credit unions must help people in the age of insecurity, says Andy Burnham

The Manchester mayor was a special guest speaker at the Abcul conference

Call for papers for second International Forum on Co-operative Law

The event will facilitate a dialogue between economists and lawyers to exchange knowledge

New governance code under way for Swedish co-operatives

The code is being developed by Cooperatives Sweden with input from the Stockholm School of Economics

New bill proposes co-op solution for distressed mortgage holders in Ireland

Supporters say it would protect families from 'the feckless sale of billions of euros worth of…

Opinion: Equality at the heart of co-operation… It’s in our DNA

Celebrating the pioneering work of co-operative women

International Women’s Day – How do co-ops perform as women employers?

20 women in co-operatives took part in our survey, to highlight issues faced by female employees…

Who are the new co-op weavers?

'It does not take much imagination to see the parallels between the pressures placed on the…

Co-ops to help Scotland reach affordable housing target, says report

The Scottish government had committed to building 50,000 homes over the lifetime of the current parliament

Opinion: Co-operatives have a key role to play in the SSE revolution

Co-operating together at the first CTRL Shift Summit

Lessons from women co-operators

The third Co-operative Women’s Voices event looked at how to deal with challenges in the movement

How a credit union took the civil rights path to become a national lender

Self-Help was established with $77 raised from a bake sale and battled its way to become…