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Our view: How co-operatives can take advantage of the Trump presidency

Citizens of the world have hit back at the political elite in quick succession this year.…

What will Donald Trump do for co-operatives?

Now that America has chosen its 45th president, co-operatives will be wondering what Donald Trump can do…

What did Obama do for co-operatives in the White House?

Throughout his two terms as President of the United States, Barack Obama carried out a number of…

Co-operatives and mutuals are on the Welsh government’s agenda

The Welsh government has published its programme for government, which is focused on driving improvement to…

Can co-operatives empower women?

Gender equality is a key factor in socioeconomic and geopolitical growth, delegates at the International Summit of Cooperatives…

Time for charities to consider a new governance model?

Speaking at the Charity Finance Group’s large charities conference in London on 30 September, the treasurer of…

Colombian co-operatives continue to back the peace process

Colombia’s confederation of co-operatives (Confecoop) has launched an appeal asking its member co-ops to continue to…

Co-ops respond to Theresa May’s Conservative Party Conference speech

Co-operative organisations have responded to some of the policies set out by prime minister Theresa May…

Social innovation and the social and solidarity economy

Simel Esim and Waltteri Katajamaki from the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Cooperatives Unit look at the importance…

A co-operative vision for public services

How can we build an economy for people, not profit? It can be done from the…

Co-op Group moves to reassure drivers over outsourcing plans

The Co-operative Group has written to 1,000 of its UK distribution drivers, after receiving notification from…

There’s no conflict of interest, Pippa Wicks tells tribunal

The Co-operative Group’s interim chief operating officer (COO) denied conflict of interest at an employment tribunal,…