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Co-operatives, capital and a great vindication

Since the 2008 financial crisis, we have become used to discussions of bank “capital”. Capital is…

World Vegan Day: Co-ops’ role in making vegan shopping easier

Co-ops are responding to the rapid increase in the number of people following the vegan lifestyle…

Brexit: an opportunity for Fairtrade

With at least two years to go till Britain exits the EU, Brexit’s impact on our…

Could blockchain technology put co-ops at the front of the digital revolution?

Emerging technology was a recurring theme at the International Summit of Co-operatives in Quebec last month, where delegates…

SME co-operatives use inter-co-operation tools to remain strong and transform society

With small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) making up an overwhelming part of the co-operative movement, a session…

How much control of your co-op would you give up for capital?

One of the biggest challenges for co-operatives and mutuals is gaining access to capital for growth,…

How should co-operative banks deal with the negative rates dilemma?

A small German co-operative bank, Raiffeisenbank Gmund, has introduced a negative interest rate on deposits. Well,…

How does the size of a co-op affect its community interaction?

A group of co-op store managers share their thoughts on how they work with with communities.…

Finding your voice: how the Co-op Group is giving members say

“The concept of members having a say in their society is older than the Rochdale Pioneers,” says Mark…

Social innovation and the social and solidarity economy

Simel Esim and Waltteri Katajamaki from the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Cooperatives Unit look at the importance…

A co-operative vision for public services

How can we build an economy for people, not profit? It can be done from the…

When big co-ops fail

The international co-operative movement has seen a series of catastrophic failures of large scale co-operatives in…