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Italy’s new co-op giant should remember its rich history

Italy has a long and successful tradition of co-operative enterprise. The first co-operatives began in the…

Investing in the co-operative movement

If you are looking to support the wider co-operative movement, you could join the ranks of…

Member economic participation: turning co-operative supporters into co-operative investors

The path to member economic participation, one of the core co-operative principles, never did run smooth.…

The Marcora Law: an effective tool of active employment policy

Camillo De Berardinis, managing director of CFI, (Cooperazione Finanza Impresa – Cooperation Finance Enterprise), looks at how the Marcora…

The co-operative disadvantage: Why the movement needs a level playing field

Who would voluntarily choose to be a co-operative or a community benefit society? Or – to…

The lesson behind the Austrian co-op banking disaster

Many European countries have co-operative banks. Germany’s Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken are perhaps the best-known, but France,…

What lessons can the UK learn from Germany’s co-operative banking sector?

Co-operative banks make up about two thirds of all German retail banks, and have a broad…

China’s farm co-ops sow for growth

Co-operatives in China are on the rise, especially in the agricultural sector. As Chinese new year…

Overcoming the barriers of co-operative identity

Shouting about co-op credentials is an effective way for a co-op to highlight how it differs…

The big bang; how demutualisation of building societies failed

The ‘Big Bang’ reform of the capital markets in the City of London in 1986 marked…

Is the John Lewis model perfect for the Co-operative Group?

Over the past year, the Co-operative Group’s issues have been well-documented. But would these problems be…

Who controls and owns the Co-operative Group?

Eight million members own at least £1 each in the Co-operative Group. But another portion of…