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Interactive map links Fairtrade prices to living incomes by region

Users can look up different products such as coffee, cocoa and cashews

EU agriculture report calls for targeted support for co-ops

The report argues that co-ops looking to improve their sustainability should receive EU funding

Migros survey finds diversity is lacking in Swiss social environments

The retailer plans initiatives to address the lack of interaction between different groups in society and…

Agri co-ops voice their opposition to an EU-Mercosur deal

Copa and Cogeca have reiterated their concerns over the potential deal

US Department of Labour launches Employee Ownership Initiative

The move aims to promote worker-owned businesses, including co-ops

African Union adopts 10-year social and solidarity economy strategy 

This is the second regional social economy strategy in the world to be adopted, following the…

Singaporean government plans fund for co-ops helping vulnerable communities

'We hope to enable co-ops to give back to communities and do their part to strengthen…

Cecop seeks members’ views European Cooperative Society statute

The consultation is open until 10 September.

First Milk lifts operating profit to £16.8m as it continues growth

The co-op also hailed steps forward in terms of investment and acquisitions, and with regenerative agriculture

ILO report suggests ways to strengthen women’s co-operatives

The report focuses on the experience of Sewa Co-operative Federation in India

UK credit union sector hits record income for 2023

The growth has been attributed to the decline of payday lenders and demand for affordable loans…

US electric co-ops warn customers of rooftop solar scams

The Treasury warns of scams in customer service, sales processes and costs and payments