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Q&As for 2022: Balu Iyer, regional director, ICA Asia and Pacific

'Co-operatives... sustained by values of self-help, solidarity, social responsibility and concern for community, can lead the…

Q&As for 2022: Agnès Mathis, director, Co-operatives Europe

'We are hopeful that the growing interest in enterprises linking economy and sustainability will be translated…

Q&As for 2022: Derek Walker, CEO, Wales Co-operative Centre

Coming highlights include the Co-ops Europe General Assembly and the development of a Welsh member-owned community…

Q&A for 2022: Rose Marley, CEO, Co-operatives UK

'As new technology begins to impact and disrupt every area of our lives, it is vital…

Obituary: Labour/Co-op Party veteran Barbara Hawkins (1944-2021)

'Barbara’s profound motivation to create a more equal world was manifested by her lifelong involvement with…

Meet … Matt Bland, CEO of the Co-op Credit Union

'The need for a new way of doing banking and financial services has never been more…

Meet … Mike Smyth, chair of Energy4All

Community energy 'helps to engage local people, retain wealth and compensates people with a share of…

Obituary: IFFCO chair Balvinder Singh Nakai

Tributes from fellow co-operators and local politicians poured in on social media following news of his…

Obituary: Credit union pioneer Ralph Swoboda (1948 – 2021)

Chris Smith pays credit to credit union pioneer Ralph Swoboda

Lord Adebowale: Co-ops should work more closely with social enterprise

'The form that we choose is largely a matter of choice. We need to spend less…

Meet … Rory Ridley-Duff, co-op educator at Sheffield Business School

'For me, co-operative education is stronger when it distinguishes mutuality from philanthropy and individual self-interest'

A new future: What next for the Co-operative College?

We speak with Nina Valvi, new head of business development, about the College’s past and future…