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Mutual insurance: Resilience for an unknown future

We speak to Shaun Tarbuck, CEO of global sector body ICMIF, about the co-op insurance model…

Jim McMahon on co-ops and resilient community

The Labour/Co-op MP for Oldham West, shadow transport secretary and Co-op Party chair says change is…

Co-operative resilience in the financial sector: a European perspective

Nina Schindler explores the impact of the pandemic on co-operative banks and the future priorities for…

Housing: Rochdale’s co-op model brings strength during the pandemic

'The underlying idea of our model – tenants and employees as co owners – has seen…

Obituary: Dr Eudes de Freitas Aquino

The global co-operative movement paid tribute to one of its most ardent champions, a leading light…

Meet Ang Hin Kee, chief executive, Singapore National Co-operative Federation

The Covid-19 crisis 'presents opportunities for the co-operative movement to help build a new normal that…

Brian Branch looks back on 30 years in credit unions

We catch up with the president and CEO of WOCCU as he prepares to retire

Bringing a youth perspective to a co-op board

We speak to Brad Tuckfield and Jody Meakin, who have recently joined the board at Central…

Meet … Doug Field, joint CEO of East of England Co-op

'With the variety our family of businesses gives us, I learn something new on a daily…

Brexit and food co-ops: The view from Unicorn Grocery

The new system brings extra costs – but veg buyer Dan Monks hopes in the long…

Obituary: Lifelong co-operator Winifred Knowles

Elaine Dean remembers loyal and creative Central England colleague

Meet … Kay Johnson MBE, founder of the Larder in Preston

'I’m not a boss, I don’t want to manage people, I want to work with them.…